June 2, 2020 – Following up with the beginnings of an action plan – Part 1 (O-B-V)

Organize: So that I don’t come across as being guilty of “just talk,” here, below are some attempts at tangible, real-world steps, some of which I have already taken, and would be thrilled to have you help me to mobilize. (But again, it’s not all/only about what I think. What do you think? What do you want to rally behind?) With all of the protests right now, organizing seems like it is happening already…but is it? Are these events organized, with a clear goal in place? If so, I haven’t seen it. In fact, I’ve seen some evidence that the moment is being partially co-opted by a few people who don’t even side with us on the core issues of racial justice and ending police brutality, and are “acting out” under the cover of these protests. Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for peaceful protest—have been all of my life. But there needs to be a plan, IMO…an “ask” that someone or some entity can grant (or not), so we have some sense of where this is headed. From Where I Sit, it seems that there should be some serious organizing while we have everyone’s attention, and that it should center around more than just those two, albeit crucial, issues. Like, getting people in your community registered to vote, and helping them fill out the Census, for starters. What else ya’ got?

Boycott: There are lots of things worthy of your money…and lots that aren’t. Let’s open up a conversation that seeks to conduct some research into which companies don’t deserve our money. Coal-mining/fossil fuel production/fracking, agri-business/GMOs, HMOs, Big Pharma, the tobacco industry, companies that have shipped our jobs overseas and pay pennies, in horrible conditions, to produce their wares—those are low-hanging fruit. But let’s gather up that fruit and start off by calling them out and spending our money elsewhere. They won’t change their ways because of a sudden infusion of “Nice-Guy-ness.” They will only change when their profits suffer. Only way that happens if through a series of large-scale, organized boycotts. Just sayin’…

Vote: Senate races: we have to take back the Senate…period. Here is an interactive map, with color-coding to indicate which races seem to be “in play.” https://www.270towin.com/2020-senate-election/ Find a race you want to help win, figure out who the likely Progressive/Democratic candidate will be, and write that person a check…today!

If this year hasn’t shown us that Republicans/Conservatives don’t have the greater good in mind, I don’t know what will. But here are some videos that may give you a few things to think about:

Congressman Brian Sims of PA.:



Trevor Noah, host of The Daily Show: