Feb 21, 2019 – Sign O’ the Times :)

So, my family is on vacation in Arizona, visiting my in-laws, who “Winter” here. (They live on what used to be a farm in Rhode Island the rest of the year. Yep, my wife grew up with two pet pigs…Oscar, and Mayer…seriously.) We’ve been coming here for years, but something happened this morning that is a first, to say the least.

They live on several acres that are adjacent to various foothills and mountains, and, next to a few cattle farmers. Early this morning, we all heard a moo-ing soud that was closer than usual. Sure enough, my father-in-law comes scurrying back to the house to inform us that a cow and a calf somehow found their way onto my in-laws’ property, and were walking around, about 100 yards away from the house! “Get dressed and come help me shoo these cows back off of our land” he says calmly, perhaps forgetting that I’m from inner-city Brooklyn, and that this is NOT something for which I am trained or prepared!

So Miles and I go to our rooms to get out of our PJs and into whatever one wears to shoo cows away (I dunno, I’m guessing jeans, sweatshirts, and oh, maybe a large rifle?)

Here is where the Generation Gap kicks in, which insipred the title to this post. While I’m pulling on my jeans and calling out to my in-laws “Hey, shouldn’t we just call the owner of these cows and ask them to come get ’em?” (To which the answer comes back, “No, the law says that if you have a breach in your gate, it’s your responsibility to remove any animals from your property.” Talk about a deal-breaker!). Anyway, while I’m doing that, what is my 13-year-old son doing? He’s getting dressed, don’t get me wrong. In fact, he’s excited about this whole ordeal. But he’s also doing something that never dawned on me–he takes out his phone and Googles “How to scare off cows from your property.” I shit you not, that’s exactly what he did! And, like Carrie-Anne Moss with flying the helicopter in “the Matrix,”

within 2 minutes, he’s now an expert on how to wave your arms, shout, and run right at these behemoths–things which are so counter-intuitive to me that I can’t put into words how shocked I was when he did it. But I digress.

So, Miles and I run out the back door calling out for my father-in-law, Ed. He shouts back, “Clay, go close the gate so no more cows can get in, Miles you come help me!” First instinct, bring Miles with me, so I can make sure he’s safe. But I trust Ed not to put Miles in harm’s way, so I follow the plan. I run the 200 yards or so–the last 50 of which are almost straight downhill, and close the gate. On the way down the hill, I see, off in the not-nearly-far-enough-for-my-liking distance, the calf, and another cow. As I’m running back up the hill, I hear Miles shout, “Dad, open it back up, and get out of the way, she’s coming your way!” Hmm, I think, is Miles safe? Do I really want to run back away from him with a cow supposedly nearby? But then I SEE the cow, enormous, and trotting right towards me, and I realize that if that gate is still closed/locked, she can’t get out. So I run back down the hill and open the gate. Now the cow is at the top of the hill coming right down towards me. And I hear someone shouting at her from behind/over the horizon…it’s Miles! Now I’m really torn. Do I run back up the hill to “help” my son, who seems to somehow have things under control (and, who hopefully is being assisted by Ed, who I still can’t see yet)? Well, that might scare the cow into running away from the gate, which is clearly not the goal. Or do I get out of the way and leave my son (and hopefully, my father-in-law) to finish the task and get the cow through the gate and off the property.

“Dad, get out of the way!” Miles shouts, while standing no more than 25 yards behind the cow, who is midway down the hill. Miles is still waving his arms and shouting at her. “Uh, you sure you’re okay?!” I shout back. “Yes, Dad, I’m fine, just get out of the way so she doesn’t turn back around!” “Um, okay” I say, sheepishly, hoping I’m making the right decision to trust my son, alone, with a scared cow. I run out fo the gate, turn left, and run another 20 yards or so to clear a path for the cow to exit.

Sure enough, after the longest 30-40 seconds of my parental life, Miles shoos the cow through the gate…and right towards me! I freeze for a second, calculating my odds of hurdling the barbed wire fence I’m standing beside, from a standstill, if she comes running at me. But she seems to hear/smell/see or somehow sense her calf, and suddenly darts away from me, in the direction of the calf and the other cow I’d seen moments ago. So now I go running back through the gate, and Miles and I lock it.

“Miles, how did you know that would work?” I shout, both proud of him and terrified at the same time at what just transpired…and at what could have. “Don’t worry Dad. I knew what I was doing. I Googled it!” he said, beaming.

I Googled it.

My son risked life and limb with a 1,500 pound, scared mother-in-search-of-her-calf, because of a 2-minute Google search…and it worked! Not sure what to do with that little nugget just yet, other than to thank our lucky stars that the first answer that popped up was right…this time, and, to write this post before I collapse! 🙂

Feb 15, 2019 – thoughts on the LIC Amazon deal

Can’t say that I’d been paying close attention to the Amazon deal (that they just pulled out of), but as a former business-owner here in NYC, I can say that NYC/NYS never once offered ME a tax break for the several dozen jobs I created here. Granted, dozens of jobs isn’t even a rounding error compared to what Amazon would’ve brought, but at the same time, why does the planet’s richest man, whose net worth is $134 billion (yes, with a “B”) need a $3 billion tax BREAK in order to build a corporate HQ here that will clearly make him even MORE money? To be clear, he wasn’t asked to pay an additional $3B, he was asked to not AVOID the normal cost of doing business (taxes) that everybody pays. In fact, he is going to pay those $3B in taxes anyway, just not to NYC/NYS! The items he sells in the future will require the same 25,000 employees. They will just be spread out across the other Amazon centers in America, and those employees will cost Amazon the same amount of state and local taxes (more or less…each state has different tax structures, of course). So, he really didn’t need the LIC plant, apparently, (because clearly he hasn’t walked away from this deal in order to LOSE money). He only wanted it if he could save himself $3B. Shame on him. What IS clear is that the 25,000 NYers who now won’t have those jobs…and the resulting ancillary jobs that would also have been created…were NOT going to get tax breaks on THEIR income. And their kids, who would’ve gone to the schools in LIC; and the LIC neighbors who would’ve had their infrastructure stretched thin by the supposed influx of people; and the gentrification that would’ve displaced lower-income families in LIC, could really have used the $3B that we were asking Amazon to pay in taxes. Again, taxes they are now going to pay ANYWAY, just not to NYC. Taxes that every company pays, like mine did, because that’s how the country operates. You get to privatize your profits as a business owner, in exchange for paying taxes to the municipaility that houses your company–builds its roads, hires its police and fire departments, builds the schools your employees send their kids to, collects your garbage, etc, etc. So, yeah, you have to pay taxes, no, you GET to pay taxes. This is an OPPORTUNITY, not a burden. And you, Jeff Bezos, have not been singled out to pay taxes. You just weren’t singled out NOT to.

To be clear, I get that we don’t physically have the $3B to hand out to schools, etc, today (which AOC seems to be accused of saying…though I’m not sure that’s what she said or meant). Those dollars were theoretical/future dollars that would have been created by the new jobs. But the point that AOC, Elizabether Warren and others are making is that we can’t keep giving big companies tax breaks just so they can create jobs. They’re going to create those jobs anyway, somewhere, and wherever that is, the infrastructure will need to be increased to accomodate them. And that increased infrastructure happens with tax dollars. The employees themselves will obviously have to pay income taxes. Why shouldn’t the corporations pay their share as well? Again, why do they get to privatize their profits, while we socialize their bills/losses?

Also, let’s do a little math here. He claims that his 25,000 jobs were going to have an avg salary of $150K/yr. Well, that multiplies out to $3.75B/yr. So although his $3B in tax breaks isn’t annual, and doesn’t “come all in one lump sum” (it doesn’t “come” at all, it just doesn’t come OUT, of his earnings), the fact is, he’d have been essentially getting nearly an entire year’s worth of free labor! For what?! Are we to believe that those 25,000 employees weren’t going to contribute to his profits? Of course not. So this free ~9.5 months of labor (3B/3.75B = 80% of a year…~9.6 months) is no TOP of the profits.

Finally, let’s drill down on those 25,000 jobs. Do we really think that there were going to be 25, 000 jobs that EACH paid $150K? No. Much more likely is that there would’ve been ~20,000 jobs paying under $40K, another 4,000 jobs paying ~$75K, and maybe 1,000 jobs paying over $2M/yr. That’s a very different impact on our economy, isn’t it? We already have tons of jobs that pay $40K, and while of course it’d be nice to have another 20,00 of them, let’s not pretend that those people just hit the lottery and will be making 6 figures! But you know who WOULD have hit the lottery? Jeff Bezos with his $3B tax break! So, no, I’m not saying that we should be happy that he’s not opening the plant here. But I AM saying that we can’t give away the store to anyone who happens to be bringing more jobs than usual at once. We can find several albeit smaller companies/industries to add another 20,000 jobs that pay $40K, I’m certain. And those guys will carry their share of the tax load so we can ALL benefit!

Feb 11, 2019 – NFL draft order for 2019

Here is the 1st round of the upcoming 2019 NFL draft. I also included the cap space, and the number of definite draft picks, followed by the number of projected Compensatory picks, which, you know, I’m sure most of you already have written down somewhere! 🙂 (e.g. the Cards have: the #1 overall pick, $65M in salary cap room, 7 guaranteed draft picks, and 3 likely compensatory picks due to free agency losses since last year). I’m thinking of creating a “Be the GM” game/contest, where anyone interested in playing will each predict the first few (3?) rounds of the draft, including trades. No money involved, just bragging rights, + a fun way to stay involved with the NFL between now and the draft (April 25-27). Thoughts? Anyone interested in playing? (This “no NFL football until Sept” thing is already getting to me!)

Cardinals/$65M (7/3)
49ers/$64M (5/1)
Jets/$106M (6)
Raiders/$78M (9/1)
Buccaneers/$17M (6)
Giants/$32M (9/2)
Jaguars/ -$100K (6/2)
Lions/$38M (8/1)
Bills/$88M (10)
Broncos/$47M (9/1)
Bengals/$53M (8/3)
Packers/$43M (10)
Dolphins/$18M (7/1)
Falcons/$24M (7/1)
Redskins/$20M (5/3)
Panthers/$26M (6/1)
Browns/$86M (10)
Vikings/$11M (5/3)
Titans/$44M (6)
Steelers/$28M (7)
Seahawks/$63M (4/1)
Ravens/$33M (6/1)
Texans/$73M (7/1)
Bears/$20M (4/2)
Eagles/ -$11M (6/4)
Colts/$123M (8/1)
Cowboys/$54M (5/1)
Chargers/$28M (7)
Chiefs/$43M (7/1)
Saints/$18M (6)
Rams/$37M (4/3)
Patriots/$25M (10/2)

Feb 7, 2019 – Top 5 reflections from the SOTU

So, with a day’s distance to reflect, here are some of my thoughts & takeaways on the union’s state:

  1. Go haid, Speaker of the “not in my damn” House! From where I sit, Nancy Pelosi is gangsta‘! (which I say & mean in the most loving way possible, btw.) That stoically raised hand to calm down her peops after 45’s ridiculous comment, the telling line (or should I say, lie) that, “An economic miracle is taking place in the United States, and the only thing [sic] that can stop it are foolish wars, politics, or ridiculous, partisan investigations,” reminded me of this classic movie moment from Spike’s “Malcolm X”: https://www.thecoli.com/threads/this-part-breaks-me-up-every-damn-time-malcolm-x.236772/page-3

Madame Speaker don’t play dat! We gon’ be some investigatin’-til-the-cows-come-home, Mo-fo’s! (And by cows, I mean, you know, indictments, handcuffs, perp walks, those kinda things.) “So,” she said with a simple hand gesture, “no need to act up in front of the cameras, y’all. We GOT dis!”

2. Stacey Abrams is the next Senator from Georgia, in 2020. Her powerful, touching recounting of: her own personal, family journey; followed by her classy, high-road acknowledgement of the “questionable issues” surrounding voter suppression in her own narrow Gubernatorial defeat; her on-point messaging about the government shutdown, health care, Civil Rights/racism, and the economic realities in America;
and finally, her reactions to the SOTU speech she’d just heard moments ago, all bode well for her, and by extension, our, future. Run, Stacey, run!

3. Someone needs to read the Constitution, aloud, in the Oval Office, everyday! I’m no lawyer, but there are so many times when 45 says something that makes me think “that can’t be legal, can it?” I mean, clearly he has no respect or regard for tradition, protocol, or precedent (for example, A) “Emergencies,” by definition, can’t be discussed and planned for months in advance; B) Special Prosecutor investigations are not a bartering chip with which to hold the government and the economy hostage. C) A recusal isn’t something you get to not do just because you want your side to win the argument; D) when you’re standing in the vestibule, the Speaker of the House is supposed to actually, verbally, invite you into the House before you are announced/enter the room, no?), E) Presidential candidates, and certainly Presidents, release their tax returns, etc, etc. But the actual laws of our land? You’d think someone would remind him every now and again that he is still subject to them, wouldn’t you think? (So, no, you can’t actually shoot someone on 5th Ave and get away with it.)

4. Far be it from me to offer positive suggestions to Republicans, but can they really, seriously not see the power of the imagery of their “team photo” at the SOTU compared to that of the Dems? Do they really think that America should be governed by (almost) nobody except older, wealthy, “establishment” White men?! Talk about living in a bubble! But hey, you do you, Republican Party!

5. Telling the branch of the government whose room you are standing/speaking in that the major trade problems we have today are the result of the poor leadership and terrible negotiating abilities of, well, that very same branch of government, most of whose current members were the ones who made those deals, (see ~the 1:00 mark here) https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2019-02-06/trump-says-trade-deal-with-china-must-include-structural-change is, well, I dunno, maybe not the best way to get them to follow your lead down whatever path you think is better. “Y’all suck at this, and are bad at both negotiating and governing. I wish you were more like President Xi of China” may be considered pillow talk to the Mar-A-Lago crowd, but i’m not sure it flies in Washington. Just sayin’…

But those are just a few highlights that came to mind quickly. What did y’all think about the SOTU? What were the important takeaways and next steps?