Aug 20, 2019 – Top 10 reasons for “minus 45”

So, I have been posting less and less often, as you can see, as the year progesses. For a few reasons, really, but perhaps most of all, because I am seriously both drained, and terrified, by this Administration. But last week’s events were hard to ignore. Yes, the President of the United States “asked” another country (Israel…who complied with his unprecedented/inane request, btw) to refuse to receive two sitting members of Congress!! Seriously?! Yes…seriously.

So, another new low. I mean, you just don’t DO that, right? You don’t put politics/party over country, right? You don’t undermine our own Democratic Principles, on the international stage, just to score a few political points with your base…right?

I tried “We Deserve Better” a while ago (as a slogan/sign of our displeasure). Now maybe I’ll try something a little more “pop-culture-ish.” Here are my…

Top 10 Reasons to Impeach 45…immediately:

10) His Cabinet–this is a clear example of incompetence…his and theirs, and can/should not be tolerated. The obvious mal-feasance of appointing and retaining people like: DeVos, Perry and Carson, not to mention former ones who have left, like: Flynn, Pruitt , Acosta, and Whitaker, should have been reason enough to dust off and fire up the Impeachment Engine. Here is a July 12th Fox News listing of some of the “departures:”

9) The “Ostrich Approach” to Climate Change, perhaps best evidenced by the recent decision to move all of the climate scientists from D.C. to Kansas City–just so that most of them would be forced to quit. I guess that’s one way to quell dissent.

8) The shutting down of the government–why exactly? Oh yeah, the wall…that Mexico is gonna pay for.

7) The lies…all 12,000 of ’em! There simply has to be some accountability for the constant stream of lies!

6) The failure to release his taxes. I actually could see this one as reason enough all by itself, but it clearly was a red flag that we all should have latched onto. (Perhaps we can tie this one in with his clear refusal to acknowledge the Emoluments [aka the “Title of Nobility”] Clause?)

5) Dissing our allies and cozying up to Vlad & Kim. Do I really have to even explain this one? (Well, just in case, how about the notion that our President repeatedly and openly takes/trusts the words of foreign dictators–some of whom are historically/traditionally our staunch adversaries–over the words/advice of our own intelligence agencies, and those of our allies?)

4) His tacit (if not overt) support of/by the “Alt-Right.” From Charlottesville, to his description/depiction of Mexicans, Muslims, and “S-hole countries,” is there really any doubt as to his, shall we say, “racial priorities?” And are those the qualities we want to tolerate from our President?

3) Asking a foreign country (Israel) not to receive two sitting members of Congress–my personal last straw of last straws. We simply can NOT allow a President to disrespect his co-equal branch of government like this! Can you imagine if Obama had done that? Republicans would have lost their God-damned MINDS! And rightfully so, btw. But of course, they didn’t have to lose their minds (that was an unforced choice on their part) because Obama would never in a million years have done something that ridiculous…neither would any of the other 43 Presidents prior to Obama, btw.

2) His Family Separation Debacle…nuff sed.

1) The overt/flagrant/repeated Obstructions of Justice–too many to list, but telling potential witnesses that they should refuse to comply with a Congressional subpeona is enough for me to check this box with. And more than enough to remove a sitting President for.